Waking up from multiple interrupt pins

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  • #16562
    Matt Briggs

    I am trying to configure the xDot to exit sleep on multiple pins (note I am not trying to use deepsleep). I have been able independently to wakeup on both WAKE and GPIO2 but when I use setWakePin it disables the other. I have tried using the mbed InterruptIn class to configure the second interrupt and it works while the CPU running but does not wake-up from sleep.

    How do I configure a second pin to wake the xDot up?


    Hi Matt,

    The current design of the xDot library only configures one pin for wake up but you can indepently configure other pins as InterruptIn to wake up the device. However there are limitations in the processor. It is not possible to use both the WAKE pin and GPIO2 simultaneously as wake up sources. WAKE is on PAO and GPIO2 is on PB0. Only one or the other can be an interrupt source not both. See InterruptIn limitation here: https://developer.mbed.org/platforms/MTS-xDot-L151CC/#xdot-pinout-diagram

    Kind regards,

    Matt Briggs

    Hey Leon,

    Thanks for the information. Once I changed to a different pin the interrupts worked as expected.

    Thanks again for the help,

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