Send packet to end device

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model Send packet to end device

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  • #15461
    Jean-Noel Durand


    I have a conduit aep and some LoRa sensors communicate with it.
    I want to send packet from my conduit to the sensors in order to configurate them but I tried to do this with the LoRa out node on node-red and by nc (like explained on the documentation of mLinux conduit) but both of them does not seem to work..

    Is there another way to do this ?


    Jason Reiss

    Can you post examples of what you tried?

    The packets will be queued until an uplink from the node.
    Then it will be sent down in an RX window.

    If you connect a lora-in node to lora-out then the sensor should receive in response the payload it sends. Is there any way you could test out this functionality?

    Jean-Noel Durand

    First I tried this (I tried to throw the lora message both with tcp request and injection) :

    And after that I tried this :
    With nc

    But if i do what you say, how can I know if the device received the message ? I think it will not answer ?

    Jean-Noel Durand

    Ok so the answer is to send the message with netcat, I thought it did not work because of my conduit which bufferised the messages in order to send them later.

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