OCG -MTCDP-H4: Problem accessing GSM and GPS information

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  • #2714
    Alok Pathak

    Dear Admin,

    I am newbie in accessing the device so have a few doubts/queries.My requirement is as follows:

    Problem:I need to connect the OCG with an ubuntu machine and access/get the GPS location and send/receive SMS programatically.

    I am confused how do I access the GSM and GPS modules of OCG (the documentation mention did not help in figuring this out)

    I am trying to connect the OCG (DEVICE port) to USB port in ubuntu machine.

    Also, how to check if the linux in modem is booting up correctly?

    Kindly advice to resolve the problem.

    also, let me know if you need more details.

    Thank you,



    +65 84390370

    Bryan Tran

    Hi Alok,

    1. Accessing the GPS:

    a. At the # prompt: type: microcom /dev/ttyS3[Enter]

    *You should see the GPS data displaying.

    2. Accessing the GSM or the radio:

    a. At the # prompt: type: microcom /dev/ttyUSB3 or /dev/ttyUSB4[Enter]

    *Then type: AT[Enter]

    *You should see an OK in response.

    To exit out the microcom: type: Ctrl + x.

    3. Connect the USB cable one end to the USB device port on the CDP and other end into your Ubuntu machine. Run the minicom on your Ubuntu machine and make sure you set the minicom to the right USB port.

    Also, set the serial baud rate to: 115200, 8N1 and no flow control.

    Power off and back on at the CDP, you should see a lot of messages scrolling up on your Minicom console. Then it will give you a CDP login prompt. Log in and perform the above two steps to look at GPS data and type AT command or send SMS message manually to the radio or GSM modem.



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