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  • #10060
    wang zhedong

    I am SORRY,send a wrong message to you,change it as :how to config the mdot recieved bandwidth with AT commend?

    wang zhedong

    How do I know the Lora modulation, FSK, GMSK or?
    I would like to make the bandwidth of 125kHz to become MDOT or other values, how to set up?
    How to make MDOT automatically send data continuously in order to test its packet loss rate?

    wang zhedong

    Seriously waiting for your answer

    Jason Reiss

    Are you trying to communicate with a LoRaWAN gateway? The AT-Command firmware and libmDot library are setup to use the LoRaWAN 1.0 communcation protocol which uses only LoRa and FSK modulations. The bandwidth is determined by datarate which must match the receiving entity.

    If you want to use the Sx1272 radio on the mDot for communcations other than defined in LoRaWAN it will be better suited for you to use mbed and a SxRadio driver. All SxRadio drivers I have used employ settings for only LoRa and FSK modulations. GMSK would have to be added into them.

    The following link has examples of an SxRadio tx and rx for mDot.

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