mDot + DS18B20 Temp sensor not working

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  • #16627
    kaz ola


    I am having hard time connecting a DS18b20 temperature sensor to mDot.

    EDIT: my bad, wrong connections.



    Hi Kaz,

    I think the issue is with your probe pin. D13 is not a defined pin for the mDot. Pin PA_5 of the mDot routes to D13 on the UDK2 board. If you look at the PinNames.h file in the path mbed-os\targets\target_stm\target_stm32f4 you’ll see that PA_5 can also be referenced as XBEE_AD2 and XBEE_DIO2.

    If that does not solve it, I’d suggest you verify that you have control of the correct pin by setting it as either a digitalin or digitalout then read or set levels and confirm.

    Kind regards,

    kaz ola


    Leon, as always, thanks for your help.
    Now it is working.

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