link quality information (ping, getRssiStats, getSnrStats, networkLinkCheck)

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  • #11445
    Victor Rocco

    i am trying to do a coverage test using an mDot and a mLinux Conduit (915).
    I cannot interpret the output data related to link quality and there is no clear documentation.
    I am using the mbed library and the mDot.h (

    I have some questions:
    1) using getRssiStats(): is there a table correlating RSSI to dBm or mW?
    2) using getSnrStats(): is the last result getSnrStats().last or getSnrStats().last/4 ?
    3) using ping(): is the snr result ping().snr or ping().snr/10 ?
    4) using networkLinkCheck(): is dBm a value from dot->conduit direction or conduit->dot direction?
    why it doesn’t match any output value of ping() + getRssiStats() + getSnrStats()? (see the mDot log)

    The mDot code i am using is:

    logInfo(“dot-send: OK!”);

    rssi_ret = dot->getRssiStats();
    snr_ret = dot->getSnrStats();
    logInfo(“rssi %3d, snr (raw %3d) %2d.%02d”, rssi_ret.last, snr_ret.last, snr_ret.last/4, abs(snr_ret.last)%4*25);

    ping_ret = dot->ping();
    logInfo(“dot->ping: rssi %3d, snr (raw %3d) %2d.%1d”, ping_ret.rssi, ping_ret.snr, ping_ret.snr/10, abs(ping_ret.snr)%10);

    rssi_ret = dot->getRssiStats();
    snr_ret = dot->getSnrStats();
    logInfo(“rssi %3d, snr (raw %3d) %2d.%02d”, rssi_ret.last, snr_ret.last, snr_ret.last/4, abs(snr_ret.last)%4*25);

    link_ret = dot->networkLinkCheck();
    logInfo(“dot->networkLinkCheck: status [%d], dBm above noise floor [%d], num. gateways [%d]”, link_ret.status, link_ret.dBm, link_ret.gateways);

    rssi_ret = dot->getRssiStats();
    snr_ret = dot->getSnrStats();
    logInfo(“rssi %3d, snr (raw %3d) %2d.%02d”, rssi_ret.last, snr_ret.last, snr_ret.last/4, abs(snr_ret.last)%4*25);

    logInfo(“— — — —“);

    the mDot log is:
    [INFO] — — — —
    [INFO] dot-send: OK!
    [INFO] rssi -61, snr (raw 26) 6.50
    [INFO] dot->ping: rssi -63, snr (raw 105) 10.5
    [INFO] rssi -57, snr (raw 29) 7.25
    [INFO] dot->networkLinkCheck: status [1], dBm above noise floor [27], num. gateways [1]
    [INFO] rssi -58, snr (raw 27) 6.75
    [INFO] — — — —
    [INFO] dot-send: OK!
    [INFO] rssi -60, snr (raw 29) 7.25
    [INFO] dot->ping: rssi -64, snr (raw 112) 11.2
    [INFO] rssi -59, snr (raw 32) 8.00
    [INFO] dot->networkLinkCheck: status [1], dBm above noise floor [24], num. gateways [1]
    [INFO] rssi -58, snr (raw 29) 7.25
    [INFO] — — — —
    [INFO] dot-send: OK!
    [INFO] rssi -60, snr (raw 36) 9.00
    [INFO] dot->ping: rssi -62, snr (raw 98) 9.8
    [INFO] rssi -59, snr (raw 31) 7.75
    [INFO] dot->networkLinkCheck: status [1], dBm above noise floor [27], num. gateways [1]
    [INFO] rssi -58, snr (raw 33) 8.25
    [INFO] — — — —

    the server (conduit) log is:
    root@mtcdt:~# mosquitto_sub -t lora/+/+ -v
    lora/00:80:00:00:00:00:a2:e6/joined (null)
    lora/00:80:00:00:00:00:a2:e6/up {“chan”:0,”cls”:0,”codr”:”4/5″,”data”:”T0sh”,”datr”:”SF10BW125″,”freq”:”902.3″,”lsnr”:”11″,”modu”:”LORA”,”port”:1,”rfch”:0,”rssi”:-64,”seqn”:0,”size”:4,”timestamp”:”2016-01-28T04:50:42Z”,”tmst”:2571600820}

    lora/00:80:00:00:00:00:a2:e6/up {“chan”:4,”cls”:0,”codr”:”4/5″,”data”:”T0sh”,”datr”:”SF10BW125″,”freq”:”903.1″,”lsnr”:”12.2″,”modu”:”LORA”,”port”:1,”rfch”:1,”rssi”:-65,”seqn”:3,”size”:4,”timestamp”:”2016-01-28T04:50:46Z”,”tmst”:2576078148}

    lora/00:80:00:00:00:00:a2:e6/up {“chan”:7,”cls”:0,”codr”:”4/5″,”data”:”T0sh”,”datr”:”SF10BW125″,”freq”:”903.7″,”lsnr”:”12.2″,”modu”:”LORA”,”port”:1,”rfch”:1,”rssi”:-66,”seqn”:6,”size”:4,”timestamp”:”2016-01-28T04:50:51Z”,”tmst”:2580556084}

    Please, help me with those 4 questions.
    Thanks you in advance,
    Victor Rocco

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Victor Rocco.
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