libmDot 2.0.3 – Unreliable joins

Home Forums mDot/xDot libmDot 2.0.3 – Unreliable joins

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  • #14580
    Andrew Lindsay


    I recently updated to the latest libmDot library 2.0.3 and what a mistake that was. It seems that this library is unreliable.
    I’m using mbed 121, mbed-rtos 116 as recommended. I have seen repeated join failures and it doesnt appear to be saving the configuration information between each sleep.

    My code had been working fine with the previous library.

    Are the issue likely to be fixed any time soon as I, along with my partners have a lot of time and resources invested in building products with these devices.



    Andrew Lindsay

    I’m seeing:

    [INFO] Saved session was not Joined

    in the trace output, the previous section showed the mDot had joined the network, but after sleeping and waking it had lost the join information.

    One other thing I have noticed is that if it joins successfully, it claims to have then send the data payload but in fact nothing is received at the gateway, only if the join session is successfully restored might I actually see data on the gateway.

    Is setting any of the parameters actually breaking the join session?


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