LBT activation

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  • #23316
    Fernando Molina


    We were trying the MTCAP model, the one with an FPGA.

    We were just wondering if LBT is working. I activate everything in the global_conf.json. It says it’s not supported

    We upgraded the packet_fwd to a new version, same thing.

    Is it possible to upgrade the FPGA in the system to make LBT working?


    Jason Reiss

    Upgrading the FPGA is only supported on MTCAP-0.1

    admin@mtcap:~# mts-io-sysfs show hw-version
    MTCAP-0.1<code></code>admin@mtcap:~# mts-fpga-loader -c
    Checking hardware compatibility
    Found Valid Hardware: MTCAP-LORA-1.5
    Valid FPGA version: 31

    FPGA v33 is needed for LBT

    admin@mtcap:~# /etc/init.d/lora-network-server stop
    admin@mtcap:~# mts-fpga-loader -i /usr/lib/mts-flash-binaries/mtcap-fpga-v33.hex
    admin@mtcap:~# mts-fpga-loader -c
    Checking hardware compatibility
    Found Valid Hardware: MTCAP-LORA-1.5
    Valid FPGA version: 33

    admin@mtcap:~# /etc/init.d/lora-network-server start

    EDIT: FPGA upgrade only on MTCAP-0.1, not MTCAP-0.0

    Jason Reiss

    If mts-fpga-loader utility or mts-flash-binaries are not available on your installation. Upgrade to latest AEP or mLinux.

    Fernando Molina

    There seems to be a problem with my device then:

    root@mtcap:~# mts-io-sysfs show hw-version
    root@mtcap:~# mts-fpga-loader -c
    Checking hardware compatibility
    This software is licensed only for supported MultiTech products.
    Version Check failed. Error Code: 3
    root@mtcap:~# mts-fpga-loader -i /usr/lib/mts-
    mts-flash-binaries/ mts-io-sysfs/
    root@mtcap:~# mts-fpga-loader -i /usr/lib/mts-flash-binaries/mtcap-fpga-v3
    mtcap-fpga-v31.hex  mtcap-fpga-v33.hex
    root@mtcap:~# mts-fpga-loader -i /usr/lib/mts-flash-binaries/mtcap-fpga-v33.hex
    Checking hardware compatibility
    This software is licensed only for supported MultiTech products.
    Upgrade Failed, Error Code: 3
    Fernando Molina

    I could upgrade my MTCDT with that commands.

    I don’t know why I cannot upgrade the MTCAP. Faulty device?

    Jason Reiss

    My earlier post mistakenly said the FPGA upgrade was available on MTCAP-0.0 when it is not.

    I have modified the earlier post.

    MTCAP-0.1 is required to use the mts-fpga-loader. The error message is expected.

    Fernando Molina

    MTCDT-0.0 seems to be upgradable.
    Is this right?

    Thanks for clarification.

    Jason Reiss

    For MTCDT it depends on the installed card.

    MTAC-LORA-1.5 has the FPGA and can be upgraded.
    MTAC-LORA-1.0 does not have an FPGA.

    Fernando Molina

    It appears I do something wrong:

            "lbt_cfg": {
                "enable": true,
                "rssi_target": -80,
                "chan_cfg": [
                    {"freq_hz":867100000, "scan_time_us":5000},
                    {"freq_hz":867300000, "scan_time_us":5000},
                    {"freq_hz":867500000, "scan_time_us":5000},
                    {"freq_hz":867700000, "scan_time_us":5000},
                    {"freq_hz":867900000, "scan_time_us":5000},
                    {"freq_hz":868100000, "scan_time_us":5000},
                    {"freq_hz":868300000, "scan_time_us":5000},
                    {"freq_hz":868500000, "scan_time_us":5000}

    When LBT is activated packet_forwarder shows an error “Failed to start the concentrator”. If I turn off LBT packet forwarder works fine.

    INFO: Auto-quit after 300 non-acknowledged PULL_DATA
    INFO: FPGA supported features: [TX filter]  [Spectral Scan]  [LBT]
    ERROR: [main] failed to start the concentrator

    Test works fine

    Followed this page:

    Jason Reiss

    It appears the v33 LBT firmware does not support frequencies below 915 MHz.

    LBT is not required for LoRaWAN use in EU868, LoRaWAN uses duty-cycle.

    See lines 125-140. The minimum lbt frequency is pulled from the FPGA firmware. A new FPGA firmware may be needed to support LBT for these frequencies.

    Fernando Molina

    I know it is not required, but as far as I know EU let’s you decide between using LBT or DutyCycle.

    Anyway seems that is not a problem of the gateway.

    Seems limited by program. FPGA should support it

        200KHz Notch filter for TX (not programmable)
        Listen-Before-Talk for 863+MHz frequency range
        Background Spectral Scan (limited) Note: This image is the same as the 915+MHz version. It is just meant for testing "Japan-like" LBT feature on a EU868 board. It does not provide certified LBT for European band.

    Thanks for the answers.

    Fernando Molina

    Can official FW FPGA versions be burned in Multitech cards with fpga? Just want to check if the v33 posted in git and yours is the same.
    EDIT: Git seems to have 2 versions of v33, 915 and 863

    Jason Reiss

    They are not the same and the mts-fpga-loader utility will not install them.
    We may look at including the 863 version of firmware in a future version.

    They should be functionally equivalent. The versions installed on the Conduit have unique signatures that are verified by the mts-fpga-loader utility.

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