Internet Connectvitiy

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  • #2565
    Neil McGuire

    I am just getting started with this, and can ssh in to the device, use AT commands (via microcom) to send SMS messages from the command line, but don’t see a NIC associated with the cell connection, and can’t exactly do a test using curl since it could just come out the ethernet cable rather than going over the cell connection. Is there any way to perform an HTTP GET or POST over the cell connection?

    Lonny Knudson

    A HTTP GET or POST would be performed the same way regardless of if it gets transported over the Ethernet link or the cellular link. How the request gets transported is up to the routing table, packet filters, etc…

    The first step is to establish a network link using the cellular device. Network links over the cellular devices are brought up using pppd. The link below should help get you started:

    Neil McGuire

    That was helpful for establishing the ppp0 connection. Now I just have to figure out how to shut it down nicely…

    Lonny Knudson

    kill [pid of pppd] or killall pppd are generally considered graceful.

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