How is the SD card mounted? How do I know if it is mounted?

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  • #2750
    Darrik Spaude


    How is the SD card mounted?


    The SD card is auto-mounted on insert by udev. Have a look at the udev rules in /etc/udev/rules.d.


    How do I know if it is mounted? What is the most robust procedure to determine if a SD card is present?


    Since the card is auto-mounted, you could read /proc/mounts to see if it is mounted or not. You could also read /sys filesystem to see if the card is present. Look at the contents of /sys/bus/mmc/devices. You should see a device link starting with “mmc0:” when the card is inserted.


    How do I properly unmount the SD card without risk of losing data?


    ‘umount’ will flush all data to the card before it returns, so it is safe to remove the card after it is done. For example,

    umount /dev/mmcblk0p1

    Also be aware of this info on

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