Has anyone used libmodbus?

Home Forums MultiConnect OCG Has anyone used libmodbus?

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    JM K


    I would very much appreciate it if someone could let me know if they had had the opportunity to use the ‘libmodbus’ library in their application on the corecdp platform.

    In case someone did, I would furthermore appreciate it if someone could let me know how to go about installing this library.

    I have compiled and installed libmodbus on my system. The header file is located in /usr/local/include/modbus. I would like to know how to include the header file contained in this location to my C program that exists in the ${OETREE}/user-collection/recipes. Thank you very much.



    Jesse Gilles

    See my post on your other thread. If you built and installed the library in /usr/local, I’m guessing it didn’t get cross-compiled to run on the CDP, but instead was compiled to run on your Linux workstation, which isn’t an ARM platform.


    JM K

    Hi Jesse,

    you are correct. I completely forgot that it has to get cross compiled to run on the cdp. Thanks for the response.



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