gdb troubles

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  • #2531

    Has anyone had any luck using gdb with threaded programs? I get the following error:

    warning: Unable to find libthread_db matching inferior’s thread library, thread debugging will not be available.

    I tried installing libthread_db1 and glibc-dbg that didn’t solve the issue.

    Jesse Gilles

    If you used opkg to install glibc-dbg and libthread-db1, try forcefully reinstalling the libc6 package.

    opkg update

    opkg –force-reinstall install libc6

    We ran into a similar issue and it was resolved by reflashing the entire rootfs or by reinstalling libc6.


    When I try this, opkg says:

    # opkg update

    # opkg –force-reinstall install libc6

    Reinstalling libc6 (2.9-r37.4.6) on root…

    Collected errors:

    * ERROR: Package libc6 (parent libc6) is not available from any configured src.

    * Failed to download libc6. Perhaps you need to run ‘opkg update’?

    * Cannot find package libc6.


    It seems like opkg can’t find whatever repository it needs to get it’s software. The device has internet access and can ping and resolve hostnames in the outside world.

    I think I may be missing some critical config files. Does this install method work for you? What does your /etc/opkg folder contain? Are you using any *-feed.conf files?


    Jesse Gilles

    Opkg isn’t configured by default to pull from any feeds because Multi-Tech doesn’t publish any feeds for public use.

    You’ll need to set up a feed on your development machine if you want to use ‘opkg update’ and ‘opkg install’ to install packages that you build. See this article for more information:

    How did you install gdb on the unit?

    You also have the option of reflashing the unit with your custom image (that contains gdb, glibc-dbg, etc).


    I installed gdb by copying over the .ipk file and its dependencies and using opkg to install it. Then to reinstall libc6, I copied over the libc6 ipk file and reinstalled it. However, this didn’t fix the issue.

    How do I add gdb and it’s dependencies to an image? I was looking at the getting started page where it discusses custom images, but I couldn’t find how to create them.

    Jesse Gilles
    Jesse Gilles

    I also added a link to it on the Getting Started page.


    Reinstalling lib6 and then installing libthread_db1, glibc-dbg, and gdb worked in that order. On one unit, gdb was already installed, and no amount of reinstalling those packages would make it work. I re-flashed the unit and installed the packages in that order and then it worked.


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