Explantion of "withboot"

Home Forums Conduit: mLinux Model Explantion of "withboot"

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  • #21005
    Sylvain Miermont


    Is there an explanation of what are the different files you can find in a http://www.multitech.net/mlinux/images/mtcdt/<…&gt; directory?
    The difference between base and factory image is explained (there http://www.multitech.net/developer/software/mlinux/mlinux-building-images/building-a-custom-linux-image/), and, in theory I should only care about the jffs2 file and the uImage…bin, but I’m curious 🙂

    What are the use of the mlinux-*-image-mtcdt-upgrade*.bin files? Is it only bitbake intermediary files, or are there situations where they’re useful?

    What is the difference between *-upgrade.bin and *-upgrade-withboot.bin files?

    at91bootstrap… and u-boot-mtcd…: the NAND flash layout gives some hints of what they’re about, but their update process is not documented. Is if safe to assume that this part of the MTCDT system is very stable and will probably never be updated?

    Thank you for helping me understand how things work!

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