Bricked Conduit

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  • #16574
    Paul Porter


    I have a MTCDT-H5-210A running FW 1.3.3 It was loaned to someone and when it came back it was exhibiting strange behaviour.
    – A Long reset (>5s) would not reset back to the default IP (stuck on and password was not admin.
    – The MAC address of eth0 was 00:08:00:4A:0A:8B which could not be registered on as it was registered already even though the user hasn’t signed up for Loriot.

    To try and resolve the MAC address issue I followed the instructions here ( using the usb-debug connector on the front panel.

    After this u-boot no longer hands over to the kernel with the following log:

    AT91Bootstrap 3.5.3-r2 (Thu Nov 17 17:15:52 CST 2016)
    NAND: ONFI flash detected
    NAND: Manufacturer ID: 0x2c Chip ID: 0x32
    NAND: Disable On-Die ECC
    NAND: Initialize PMECC params, cap: 0x4, sector: 0x200
    NAND: Image: Copy 0x80000 bytes from 0x40000 to 0x2ef00000
    NAND: Done to load image

    U-Boot 2012.10-mtcdt-r6 (Nov 17 2016 – 17:15:52)

    CPU: AT91SAM9G25
    Crystal frequency: 12 MHz
    CPU clock : 400 MHz
    Master clock : 133.333 MHz
    I2C: ready
    DRAM: 256 MiB
    WARNING: Caches not enabled
    NAND: 256 MiB
    In: serial
    Out: serial
    Err: serial
    vendor-id: Multi-Tech Systems
    product-id: MTCDT-H5-210A
    device-id: 18721609
    hw-version: MTCDT-0.0
    mac-addr: 00:08:00:4a:0a:8b
    Net: macb0
    Hit any key to stop autoboot: 0

    Loading from nand0, offset 0xa0000
    ** Unknown image type
    Wrong Image Format for bootm command
    ERROR: can’t get kernel image!

    Holding the reset button for 5s or longer has no effect.
    Before changing the MAC address I saw the following from an SSH session

    admin@mtcdt:/# u-boot printenv
    ERROR: u_boot.c:main:309: crc does not match on primary env
    ERROR: u_boot.c:main:323: crc does not match on redundant env
    ERROR: u_boot.c:main:328: both environments are bad: loading DEFAULT_ENV
    bootargs=mem=64M console=ttyS0,115200 root=/dev/mtdblock8 ro rootfstype=jffs2
    bootcmd=nboot.jffs2 ${loadaddr} 0 ${kernel_addr}; bootm ${loadaddr}
    admin@mtcdt:/# ifconfig
    eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:08:00:4A:0A:8B
    inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
    RX packets:2149 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
    TX packets:951 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
    collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
    RX bytes:202201 (197.4 KiB) TX bytes:474797 (463.6 KiB)
    Interrupt:23 Base address:0xc000

    Any idea how I can unbrick this? Can I reflash it through u-boot? If so how?

    Jeff Hatch


    You may be able to re-flash from u-boot, but that probably won’t save you. The issue is that the primary env and redundant env u-boot partitions are failing their crc check. This most likely is related to changing the MAC address, though I am not positive about that. What you will probably have to do is restore the u-boot env with a script at the u-boot prompt.

    You can file a support portal case at to get a script that you can run at the u-boot prompt to restore the environment.


    Brandon Bayer


    Instructions and the script for flashing from uboot are here:


    Brandon Bayer

    But you will need to get the rootfs and bin files for AEP through the portal.



    First of all, it’s a soft brick so no panic.

    Secondly, as Brandon and Jeff mentioned, the best way to solve your problem is to create a support ticket at .
    The process is quite simple after receiving the response mail. The procedure is actually flashing your device.
    You’ll receive a text file with detailed instruction, a script which is essential and saves you a bit of time and of course all the necessary files to do the flashing.

    A huge thank you to the guys at the support for providing the files and instruction.

    In my case, I didn’t lose the Node-Red configuration/scheme (although I lost a plugin). After flashing, I chose to upgrade to the latest AEP version, just to address some previous issues.

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