AT command interface

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    James Skinner

    I wanted to try to send some AT commands outlined in the AT manual? Looking for a good way to do this?

    Ideally, I would like to send the AT commands from a Java program while PPP is up and running, but don’t see any java classes to support this.

    Thanks in advance,


    Jesse Gilles

    Depending on the CDP model you have, sending AT commands while PPP is running may not be possible. The MTCDP-E1, MTCDP-G2 and MTCDP-EV2 only provide one serial port device that takes AT commands, so if PPP is running, the port is in use.

    The MTCDP-H4 (HSPA) does provide numerous serial device ports, which allows you to use one for PPP and use others for AT commands while simultaneously.

    As far as reading/writing to the serial port from Java, I can’t give specific advice, but I assume it will be similar to other languages running in Linux. The serial device port is treated as a regular file and you can do read/write IO operations on it to send commands and read back the response.

    James Skinner

    Thanks, I have the new MTCDP-H4 (HSPA) and was able to enter AT commands using microcom. I did notice though AT+CSQ and ATI returned the values that I was expecting but was not able to get other commnads such as AT!GSTATUS? and AT!GSMINFO? to return anything but OK. Any idea why?

    Jesse Gilles

    Which tty port are you running the commands on? Only /dev/ttyUSB3 supports the full AT command set. If you need access to the full AT command set, it is recommended that you initiate your PPP link on /dev/ttyUSB4 which leaves USB3 open for other use.

    This is mentioned as a note on the “Accessing Hardware Interfaces” page:

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