AT+PING: Pong not received

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  • #19487
    Frank A


    I am currently experimenting with the mDot and AT commands. I am following the examples in the AT Command Reference Guide. My Conduit gateway is configured with the basic packet forwarder, which latter points to my own private experimental lora server. Pretty much everything works fine with my setup

    However, when trying to send a ping command to from the mDot to the gateway (i.e. at+pint) to get the RSSI and SNR, the command fails and the following error gets printed: Pong not received.

    The at+ping command, however, still results in a message getting sent and received by the network server.

    Could this be due to a misconfiguration at the gateway level?

    Thank you for your time and support.


    Jason Reiss

    Ping is a proprietary MAC command handled by the built-in network server on Conduit.

    The network server will have to generate the response and send the downlink.

    Ping 0x80
    Pong 0x80[RSSI][SNR] where RSSI and SNR are int8 values

    Frank A

    Hey Jason,

    Understood. Thank you for clarifying.

    Thank you for your time and support. A+ 🙂


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