Backup command for LoRa network server

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  • #13876
    Corentin Bourget

    In LoRa Network Server Changelog 1.0.8 we can found that there is a backup of all servers settings/parameters.

    Bug Fixes
    Backup database after network settings are changed

    Does it also backups all current node status ? With exchange keys in OTAA mode, uplink counter, etc ?

    Can we do this backup manually with a command line ? It would be interesting for us to have an access on this command, as sometimes, the multitech is under power blackout and lost some informations at reboot. It would help to lose less data =)

    Jason Reiss

    The database is backed up on stop/restart of the network server and on a configurable interval. (Default: 6 hours, Minimum: 10 minutes)

    Conduit mLinux: Advanced LoRa Configuration

    This setting is not in the AEP gui/api so the default is used.

    Corentin Bourget

    Thanks for the answer. Being able to change backups interval will do the trick.

    So this option will not be available for AEP users.

    Though I have another problem (even to change network key, etc):

    First, I edit the file /var/config/lora/lora-network-server.conf and save it.
    Then I restart the LoRa Network server (/etc/init.d/lora-network-server restart).
    After the reboot the file as been restored with original parameters, so the network does not apply changes.
    The only way i was able to do effective changes is only with Web interface. There is a lot of parameters that are not available through this interface.

    Is there any command/parameters to change allowing the configuration with the file instead of the web interface ? Or is it an issue ?

    Jason Reiss

    First create a backup and exercise caution as an invalid json format may result in default settings for entire AEP.

    You can edit /var/config/db.json and add the “backupInterval” setting to the “loraNetwork” section.

    Then in GUI select Commands > Revert Changes
    This will load the changed file from flash

    Now the settings is in the API and will be written to /var/config/lora/lora-network-server.conf


    Corentin Bourget

    Thanks a lot, it’s working fine this way.

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