How to connect a Microchip LoRa modem to a Multitech mLinux conduit

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  • #12191
    Louis Croisez

    I am currently playing with connecting some Mdots with my LoRa Multitech gateway, and all is coherent.
    I own also a Microchip LoRa modem, driven by an Arduino-like board.
    In this Arduino sketch, I must enter a network key and an application key, which I don’t know.
    Could you give me a way to know these keys?
    I tried to do this on the Conduit:

    $ lora-query --node-config xx:xx:xx:xx

    which returns me following parameters:
    Net Addr
    Dev EUI
    App EUI
    Net Session Key
    Data Session Key

    The “AppKey” seems to be always the same, so I suppose this is the application key that I need to know. But The “Net Session Key” parameter is changing on each JOIN of the Mdot.
    Where could I find the Network key that I need ?

    Jason Reiss

    It should be the AppEUI and AppKey settings from an already joined mote.
    AppEUI – NetworkEUI
    AppKey – NetworkKey

    You can also get them from the network server process
    > nc -u localhost 6677

    These will be generated from Network Name and Passphrase on startup.
    Otherwise these values could be provided in hex format if desired.

    See “network” { “eui”: “”, “key”: “” }

    Louis Croisez

    I am reading chapter 6.3 from LoRaWAN standards, and I try to understand it well.
    As concern my LoRa+Arduino case, I must enter two 512bit keys. I suppose that it is in fact the NwkSKey and the AppSKey, two sessions keys which are the result of the {DevEUI/AppEUI/AppKey} personalization.

    This means that I have to do something on my gateway to produce a new couple of {NwkSKey/AppSKey}, that should “register”, or “activate” my new device.

    I must do this by hand because the Microchip device does not share the same API like other Multitech systems.

    But the question is: how can I activate my new device by hand?

    Louis Croisez

    sorry, my mistake: do not read 512bit keys, but 128bit keys instead.

    Bryan Tran
    Louis Croisez

    Hello Bryan,
    thank you very much for answering me.

    I just read the post you mentioned.
    Just a last question:
    is it absolutely required to configure network[“public”]=true, for RN2483 module to join and emit successfully?

    Bryan Tran

    Hi Louis,

    You do need to set it to true.

    Thank you,


    Louis Croisez

    I wonder what is the actual impact of this network[“public”]=true parameter?
    Does this mean that the LoRa communication is not fully encrypted?
    What is changed in the LoRa communication when putting this param to true?

    Bryan Tran
    Jason Reiss

    The public network setting is documented on these pages.

    Conduit mLinux: LoRa Use With Third-Party Devices

    Introduction to LoRa

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