Receive SMS text notification

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  • #11625
    David Camp

    I am using the Multi-Tech cellular modem and I need to be able to know when the modem has received an SMS text message. This way I can have the PLC process the message.

    Borut Milič

    I have the same issue (we are using MTR-H6-B16) and offical answer from MultiTech support was: “The functionality you seek is more advanced and requires some server like software to handle incoming and outgoing messages, unsolicited message codes, etc. There is not a built in SMS server function in the MTR.

    We have a product called the “Conduit” that can be used to code up and develop something with the functionality that you seek.
    You could pair up with one or more of the addon modules to make something very specific to your needs.”

    Guess you will have to implement polling.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by Borut Milič.
    Brandon Bayer


    I don’t think David is using an MTR. It sounds like he is using a plain SocketModem radio.

    But on the MTR, it does have an SMS API for sending and receiving sms. It doesn’t have any advanced application layer sms handling, but you can certainly write an application that uses the MTR’s API to send and receive sms.


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