Ticker/Timeout of mbed-os on mDot

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  • #22687
    Jong-won Lee

    I make a code under mdot-library rev. 3.0.0 and mbed-os rev. 5.4.7.
    When a Ticker or Timeout of mbed-os is used, interrupt is not activated.

    I think that mdot-library may use the timer resource of STM32F411 MCU, which is used for Ticker or Timeout.

    How can I use a Ticker or Timeout object on mdot-library and mbed-os?

    Jason Reiss
    Jong-won Lee

    My question is not how to use Ticker or Timeout in mbed-os….

    It seems that there is conflict between mbed-os and mdot-library.

    Which timer module (TIMx) of STM32F411 MCU is used in mdot-library?

    Can I change the timer module (TIMx) of STM32F411 used in mdot-library?

    Jason Reiss

    The library still uses RtosTimer. Have you tried using it?

    Jason Reiss

    Here is an example program: Ticker, Timer and RtosTimer all seem to work.

    Jong-won Lee

    I tested your example code, but the code is not working.

    After the program starts, led1 is blinking.
    But after 2 seconds (it seems to be at ticker timeout),
    the led1 is not blinking, and it stops.

    A problem seems to occur at the the first interrupt of the ticker.
    (I think that your mDot library may affect the ticker of the mbed-os, that is, TIM5 module of STM32F411)

    Jason Reiss

    When I install the example as provided both LEDs are blinking.

    On the UDK board
    LED2 -> D3 (led1)
    XBEE_RSSI -> D15 (led2)

    Jong-won Lee

    I solved my problem…

    My problem occurs because my ISR of Ticker has send_data() of mDot library.

    The send_data() seems to be use a Ticker or timeout interrupt, and so
    a problem occurs if send-data() is used in an ISR of a Ticket/Timeout.

    Thank you!

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