Modbus MultiConnect Conduit Gateway

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  • #25735


    I’m trying to upload/install modbustcp in my MultiConnect Conduit Gateway in 868 MHz(because it doesn’t appear on the NodeRed options) but I haven’t had success. Is it possible? If it is, How can I achieve that goal?

    I tried to write the following line in the command line but I don’t get any results.

    “npm install node-red-contrib-modbus”


    Jason Reiss

    It may not be possible without build tools to compile some dependencies.
    Other users have had success with python tools for modbus.
    pymodbus may already be available on the system.

    admin@mtcdt:~# opkg list | grep modbus
    python-pymodbus – 1.3.2+git0+336c46c998-r0.0

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