Create my own LoRaWAN network.

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  • #20608
    pcly C

    This is my architeture :
    I have some nodes as sensors, mutlitech conduit gateway as gateway and a computer as server. and I would like to gather information of all my sensors on a local server( without internet connexion of course). My multitech gateway have mLinux 3.3.6 version.
    I enabled just the packet forwarder and disable the network server (It doesn’t work !) because it seems there is no communication between nodes and gateway !
    Then I enabled both (lora network server and lora packet forwarder). I’m unable to see the log file for packet forwarder, it saying such file doesn’t exist ! But using mosquitto it seems the is a communication !
    Can you tell me the right configuration for the architecture I just described above ?
    And about adding node, is all my nodes for the same application has to have the same APP EUI or I can give a different one for each of them ?
    And on mosquitto, what is the meaning of Seq Num ?

    pcly C

    Any idea about my topic ?

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