AEP – Conduit LoRaWan max TX power correct EU setting

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model AEP – Conduit LoRaWan max TX power correct EU setting

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  • #27658
    Lawrence Griffiths

    I’ve got myself confused.

    The LoRaWAN 1.1 Regional Parameters state MaxEIRP is considered to be +16dBm 2.1.3 EU863-870 Data Rate and End-device Output Power encoding page 10 line 298

    The AEP-1.4.16-UpgradeGuide.pdf states
    ETSI dictates maximum EIRP for a transmitter in the ISM band is +14 dBm for most of the band with exception of +27 dBm at 869.4-869.65 MHz (band g3)

    In the case of Conduit +27 dBm can be output with the MTAC-LORA-H card. Therefore if +3 dBm antenna is installed and configured the conducted output power will be limited to +24 dBm when using the 869.525 MHz channel and +11 dBm at channels below 869.4 MHz or above 869.65 mHz.

    1. is UpgradeGuide +14 dBm figure for max TX power? as max EIRP is 16dBm?

    2. so for EU863-870 we set conduit max TX power to +24 dBm +3dBi to give EIRP of +27dBm (band g3) and assume the network server will drop TX power for all frequencies where max EIRP is 16dBm ?

    3. Or we should set max TX power for EU863-870 at 13 dBm + 3dBi for the antenna to give a max EIRP of 16dBm ?


    Resham Singh

    Hi Lawrence

    I found myself in a similar position regarding your point #2.

    Did you ever figure out an answer to this question?


    Jason Reiss

    Looking at the packet_sent event the packet_forwarder “powe” field is set to 13 for 868.3 MHz
    +16 dBm EIRP minus the +3 dBi antenna gain.

    $ mosquitto_sub -v -t lora/+/+
    lora/00-80-00-00-00-00-da-09/packet_sent {"appeui":"16-ea-76-f6-ab-66-3d-80","codr":"4/5","data":"IAhYEpGRsYmdgURxfjgJIuj/CwF6xd2xJIYUffWGq0+q","datr":"SF7BW125","deveui":"00-80-00-00-00-00-da-09","freq":868.29999999999995,"gweui":"00-80-00-00-a0-00-0e-34","id":0,"ipol":true,"mhdr":"","mic":"86ab4faa","modu":"LORA","ncrc":true,"opts":"","port":0,"powe":13,"rfch":0,"seqn":0,"size":33,"tmst":54367523,"twnd":1}
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