Feedback about duty cycle status when using MQTT to send Lora messages

Home Forums Conduit: AEP Model Feedback about duty cycle status when using MQTT to send Lora messages

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  • #21229

    Hi there!

    I have several questions about the Conduit Gateway, Lora and MQTT.
    I am using the MQTT broker of an AEP conduit gateway to send Lora messages to a node. Sending works well, however,

    Question 1:

    How do i find out if the message has been sent (Gateway -> Node)? The only possibility i can think of is to subscribe to lora/+/packet_sent. However i cannot find a way to match the packet_send message to the actual message. See this example:

    lora/00:80-00-00-00-00-a6-81/down { "data":"aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" }
    lora/00-80-00-00-00-00-a6-81/packet_sent {"appeui":"8a-28-13-3f-9a-16-c6-67","codr":"4/5","data":"YAEAAAAAAQABCmtMP1p4uzXmrSfefd4c","datr":"SF12BW125","deveui":"00-80-00-00-00-00-a6-81","freq":869.52499999999998,"imme":true,"ipol":true,"modu":"LORA","ncrc":true,"powe":20,"rfch":0,"size":24}

    You can see (lora/…/down) that i send “hello world” (aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=). The next mqtt message is obviously the corresponding one, but how do i match them? I dont understand the base64 encoded data in the lora/…/packet_sent message. It is only binary data that i cannot make any sense about.
    Why do i need to match them? When the node joins the network, there also published a message on lora/…/packet_sent. So i never know for sure which packet_sent message belongs to the actual message.

    Question 2:

    I need more information about the duty cycle limitations on the gateways Lora card. Similar to the AT+TXN (transmit next) command on the mDot. How do i know if the duty cycle limitation has been reached and the gateway is not sending messages to the node? How long do i have to wait until the next message can be sent?

    Question 3:

    How does the queue (lora/<DEV-EUI>/queue_full and lora/<DEV-EUI>/clear) work? Is it a fifo queue and all messages will be sent when the duty cycle allows it? How big is the queue?

    Question 4:

    This there an alternative API to send and receive Lora messages on the gateway?

    Looking forward to your answers!

    Best regards,

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