Custom app failed to execute

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    My custom app continuously fails after being installed with the web interface. I included all the required files in the tar.gz archive so I don’t quite understand why I get the following message :
    ” Failed to execute local for app with id helloworld: determineBasePath failed to read manifest.json from tar file; tar returned 512 Failed to determine app base path”
    Obviously I have a manifest.json file inside the archive.
    I run it on the Conduit MTCDTIP-L4E1266A on firmware 5.3.7

    Maybe you can help me


    William Laing

    Hello Bart –

    Were you able to find a solution? I’m seeing the same error message.

    Thank you.


    Hello Wiliam,

    I found a solution thank’s to the Multitech support. I was compressing a folder containing the files of my app.
    Instead I had to tar only the files under the folder and not the folder containing them.

    It took me forever to find out but it is working now.

    Hope it works for you too


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