Correlation Id for Downlink Messages

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  • #32744

    I need to track the ack message for my downlink messages sent to the device with some sort of my own correlation id. is this feature supported in Multitech MQTT Integration? Appreciate if you can provide more details.

    Jason Reiss

    Could you explain more on what “some sort of my own correlation id” could mean?

    There are MQTT topics available from the network server.

    MQTT Messages

    down_queued – occurs when a downlink packet is successfully queued by an application.

    packet_ack – occurs when the network server receives an uplink with acknowledgement of successful receipt of a downlink packet.


    Thanks for the prompt response. When the ack packet is sent for the successful receipt of the downlink packet, is there a way to trace and identify the ack packet received for which downlink packet using our own correlation id or unique id?

    Jason Reiss

    There is an id associated for each message to correlate the ACK.

    lora/11-22-33-44-55-66-77-88/1/down_queued {
    “id” : 752,


    lora/11-22-33-44-55-66-77-88/1/packet_sent {
    “id” : 752,


    lora/11-22-33-44-55-66-77-88/packet_ack {“seqn”:2, “id”: 752}

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