Automatic Delivery Status

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  • #10122
    Ernest Masiala

    I know, after sending a message, we get an apimsgid and we should later send a Query API with this msgID too get the delivery status. I understand this logic is because of the time it takes to process the send and get the status back from the network.
    But, can the iSMS automatically report the delivery status to our client application when available?

    We don’t want to send 2 HTTP requests: SEND and QUERY. The idea would be to just send a HTTP SEND API request and get the msgId and just wait for iSMS to push the delivery status to our client as soon as it is available, without the need of sending a QUERY request.

    How could we do that?

    Bryon Davis

    Hi Ernest,
    Sorry, this currently isn’t possible on the iSMS. You will need to send a separate QUERY to retrieve the status of a SEND API request.


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