Join Request Failed (UnknownDevEUI)

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  • #31687

    Hello All,

    I’m having a strange issue where I have a device that’s attempting to join via OTAA, but despite having a DevEUI that exactly matches the join request, the result is still UnknownDevEUI. The issue persists even after restarting.


       "code" : 200,
       "result" : {
          "devices" : [
                "appeui" : "0102030405060708",
                "appkey" : "01020304050607080901001112131415",
                "class" : "A",
                "deveui" : "00F5BA3565040A72",
                "device_profile_id" : "LW102-OTA-US915",
                "network_profile_id" : "DEFAULT-CLASS-A"
          "enabled" : true
       "status" : "success"

    UI + firmware screencaps:

    Device information:
    MTCAP-LNA3-915-041A Firmware 5.2.1, using Local Keys Join Server.

    Jason Reiss

    Double check the key values. The eui is not “known” unless it has the correct key. This is a verification of the deveui identity.


    Ah thank you! I did indeed have a typo in my appkey values typed into the key management and local network settings.

    After a little while my device was able to join.

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