interference on on US915 sub band 1

Home Forums Lora Network Server interference on on US915 sub band 1

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  • #30379
    Lawrence Griffiths

    We are experiencing are large amount on interference on on US915 sub band 1 at two sites. We have not used spectral scan utility before we are using AEP access points we believe the following should cover most of sub band 1 util_spectral_scan -f 903:0.1:905 -n 10000 -b 125 -l “log”
    Could you please advise.
    Also should stop frequency be 906? as last CF in this group is 905.3 MHz

    Does running the spectral scan stop/affect reception of loRa traffic?
    Is it cpu intensive?

    These systems are operational so we need to plan accordingly.

    Also any other advice on subband selection would be gratefully received.
    For example is Sub band 1 prone to interference form US Gov. Location and Monitoring Services/other location services?


    Jason Reiss

    Packets can be rxd and txd during the scan.
    It is not resource intensive.

    We have occasionally seen the scan get into a stuck state in the hardware. If the scan does not exit cleanly it will be due to this.

    The normal packet forwarder still functions but further scanning is not possible until reset of the gateway card / packet forwarder.

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