Devide ID/EUI is 0000000000000000 on new xDot

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  • #30728

    Currently having an issue with a new custom xDot breakout board I have just completed. When getting the device ID/EUI using a slightly modified version of the OTA config, the id is returned as 0.
    Is there anything I’m doing wrong, this should be set at factory I thought?
    This is the output of display_config();

    [INFO] =====================
    [INFO] general configuration
    [INFO] =====================
    [INFO] version ------------------ 3.2.5-mbed51304
    [INFO] device ID/EUI ------------ 0000000000000000
    [INFO] default channel plan ----- AU915
    [INFO] current channel plan ----- AU915
    [INFO] frequency sub band ------- 2
    [INFO] public network ----------- Public LoRaWAN

    Thank you for your help.

    Jason Reiss

    Did you happen to erase the flash with a ST-LINK tool?

    The xDot debug firmware can be used to set the devEUI



    I did erase it with an ST-LINK tool.
    I’ve tried now flashing the AT firmware xdot-firmware-3.3.5-AU915-mbed-os-5.15.1-debug, though when I open the serial monitor I’m unable to send any commands. It initially prints

    [INFO] Set radio to Public Mode
    [INFO] xDot Ready

    Though after that does not allow any inputs.
    Am I missing something?

    Thank you!

    Jason Reiss

    OK, the ST-Link tool will erase the entire flash which contains the application and the eeprom configuration data. That explains the deveui of 00’s.

    It looks like you have the debug serial port connected.

    There is another serial port for entering commands, do you only have access to the other serial ports or only the debug pins?


    Ah, right – wasn’t aware I could overwrite that.
    I currently have SWDIO/SWCLK, UAR0T_TX/UART0_RX, GND, VCC and NRESET connected. Is that all that is required?

    Thank you very much

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by Oliver.
    Jason Reiss

    UART1 PA9/10 is the at command port.

    Thr deveui is at the beginning of the flash eeprom section. An xdot eeprom api can be used to restore.

    The 3.3.5 version of library will allow setting and saving deveui to the “protected” config.

    Or contact for an at cmd firmware working on the debug port.


    I contacted support and they were able to build me a UART0 firmware within a few hours. Awesome.
    Thanks a lot for your help Jason.

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