Can I use two MTAC-LoRa cards in one Conduit?

Home Forums Conduit: mLinux Model Can I use two MTAC-LoRa cards in one Conduit?

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  • #23701
    Adam Haun

    We have an application that requires higher data rates and we’re looking into whether we can get enough bandwidth out of LoRa. Is it possible to put two LoRa cards in a single Conduit so I can listen to 16 channels at once? I didn’t see anything in the mLinux initialization scripts or the packet forwarder configuration file to let me select which AP socket to use.


    Adam Haun

    I’ve read a couple things suggesting that this might be possible:

    Question M12 in the Best Practices FAQ
    A forum response from Jason in 2016
    A forum response from Peter in 2017

    Is there any update? I’m fine experimenting with configuration options, I just need to know where to start.

    Steve Kovarik

    Hello Adam
    The power supply in the standard MTCDT Conduits does not have power to reliably power two LoRa cards. Only the Conduit IP67 Base Station models
    MTCDTIP can reliably power two LoRa cards. The default MTCDTIP software
    shipped does not include the sample script files needed to support 2 LoRa
    cards but can be requested via our Support Portal. Using two LoRa cards in
    the MTCDTIP is the equivalent of running two separate 8-channel packet forwarders, each on its own frequency sub-band.

    -Best Regards

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