ADR, mismatch between reported SFs

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  • #21159
    Jaco Marais

    Good afternoon,

    I’m noticing a strange mismatch between the used SF reported by an ADR enabled node and the gateway receiving the packet. Let me explain:

    My node starts up as follows:
    [INFO] version —————— 3.0.0-mbed144
    [INFO] device ID/EUI ———— 008000000000a658
    [INFO] default channel plan —– EU868
    [INFO] current channel plan —– EU868
    [INFO] public network ———– off
    [INFO] =========================
    [INFO] credentials configuration
    [INFO] =========================
    [INFO] device class ————- A
    [INFO] network join mode ——– OTA
    [INFO] network name ————- multitech123
    [INFO] network phrase ———– multitech123
    [INFO] network EUI ————– efefefefefefefef
    [INFO] network KEY ————– efefefefefefefefefefefefefefefef
    [INFO] ========================
    [INFO] communication parameters
    [INFO] ========================
    [INFO] acks ——————— off, 0 attempts
    [INFO] TX datarate ————– DR3
    [INFO] TX power —————– 27 dBm
    [INFO] antenna gain ————- 3 dBm
    [INFO] LBT ———————- off

    After starting up (ADR is disabled with dot->setAdr(false);), the node will regularly send packets to the gateway. The node reports before transmitting what data rate is being used (dot->getTxDataRate()). The node reports that Data rate 3 (SF9BW125) is being used.

    The gateway reports the following and also shows SF9BW125 is being used:
    topic: “lora/00-80-00-00-00-00-a6-58/up”
    payload: object
    ack: false
    adr: false
    appeui: “2e-fe-45-42-16-71-8b-6f”
    chan: 2
    cls: 0
    codr: “4/5”
    data: “9kbBsoc=”
    datr: “SF9BW125”
    deveui: “00-80-00-00-00-00-a6-58”
    freq: “868.5”
    lsnr: 7
    mhdr: “4001000000010d00”
    modu: “LORA”
    opts: “02”
    port: 1
    rfch: 0
    rssi: -59
    seqn: 13
    size: 8
    timestamp: “2017-10-11T15:10:49.901864Z”
    tmst: 3339286308

    When after a while I enable ADR (dot->setAdr(true)) the gateway now shows the following:

    topic: “lora/00-80-00-00-00-00-a6-58/up”
    payload: object
    ack: false
    adr: true
    appeui: “2e-fe-45-42-16-71-8b-6f”
    chan: 6
    cls: 0
    codr: “4/5”
    data: “NmhU7l8=”
    datr: “SF12BW125”
    deveui: “00-80-00-00-00-00-a6-58”
    freq: “867.7”
    lsnr: 10
    mhdr: “4001000000831600”
    modu: “LORA”
    opts: “030702”
    port: 1
    rfch: 1
    rssi: -59
    seqn: 22
    size: 8
    timestamp: “2017-10-11T15:19:07.225536Z”
    tmst: 3836591972

    The “mhdr” shows that ADR is now enabled, and “datr” has jumped from SF9 to SF12. However, dot->getTxDataRate() keeps on saying the used SF is the old value (SF9BW125).

    Any ideas why these two don’t match? I’m not sure which value to trust.

    Jason Reiss

    getTxDataRate() is the one stored in configuration in NVM

    Check getSessionDatarate() for the datarate in use.

    Jaco Marais

    That was my mistake, thank you for your assistance!

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